Monday, January 4, 2010

Chinese buffets ....In the pure Chinese Tradition

A buffet is a system of serving meals in which food is placed in a public area and diners generally serve themselves. It is a popular method for feeding a large number of people with minimal staff.The principle of buffet is based on the Chinese culture and tradition that impose to feed a large , a huge , the largest population on earth with a minimum resources and minimum workers...
Chinese just imported that culture to america , to create what we call Chinese buffets .....

Tibetans and the Olympic games.....

No Human Rights, no Olympics..!!!

......Finally, there was the Olympics.
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Friday, January 1, 2010

Breaking News...

Delilah, (daughter of Dragon Garden Buffet Chinese workers),alias huge face , AKA the monster have been deflowered by the principal of her middle school where she used to give blow jobs for white students...for 1 dalla , 2 dalla she swallows... Ayyaa!!
She was bleeding just the same way when Richard damann deflower little white a blood bath ...
Just the same way when Peddro PIMP out his little virgin daughter for 100 pesos .... 
Bonne annee 2010 Y'all ....